A Travellerspoint blog

Heading back home

Missing it already

sunny 27 °C

Final day and trip back home. Good sleep then breakfeast. Packed up our stuff then waited for our driver. We both feel very chilled after this holiday. Not like other holidays when we try and fit in as much as possible this holiday was about recharging our batteries and that is what has happened. Bali is the ideal location for doing nothing or doing everything.
Trip to airport uneventful. Flight on time and a very quick 5 hours we were back in Brisbane. Got car and drove back to Hervey Bay. We like the drive after our trips as we unwind and gives us time to reflect on what we had just experienced. Great trip and look forward to heading back next year when we will br doibg a trip with friends. I have mentioned before that Bali is a great destination for australians to visit. Don't listen to the media and the naysayers experience it for yourself you won't be disappointed.

Posted by andrewjenny 23:22 Archived in Indonesia Tagged bali airport bay brisbane ubud hervey

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